Two Pilot Programs run by government of Canada are:

The Home Child Care Provider Pilot (HCCP) and the Home Support Worker Pilot (HSWP) programs allow qualified caregivers and their family members to come to Canada with the goal of becoming permanent residents. Under these programs, the work permit application is submitted together with the permanent residency application and 2750 applications are accepted every year in each program.

No Qualifying Work Experience in Canada

If candidates do not have any qualifying work experience in Canada, they are eligible to apply for permanent residency through the Home Child Care Provider or the Home Support Worker Pilot Programs as long as they meet the other eligibility requirements. If the requirements are met, a work permit to work temporarily in Canada is issued.

In order to be eligible to apply for these Pilot programs, candidates must meet the following criteria:

The work permit issued in these programs,is an occupation-restricted open work permit which allows you to work under either NOC 4411 or NOC 4412 for any employer. Candidates will have to gain at least 24 months of work experience in order to qualify for permanent residency. Once the 24 months have elapsed, candidates send proof of their work experience in order to obtain a final decision on their permanent residency application.

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