Family Class Sponsorship

Canada is committed to unite families under its family reunification program for Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents.

Whom you can sponsor:

Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship

Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents of Canada are eligible to sponsor their parents and grandparents to become Permanent Residents of Canada. For sponsoring their parents or grandparents, they will have to fill out the interest to sponsor form. IRCC is now conducting the lottery system, in which random eligible candidates receive an invitation to apply and the opportunity to submit a complete application with all the required forms and documents.

Various steps in order to apply to sponsor your parents and grandparents are:

Spousal Sponsorship

This category of family class allows an eligible sponsor to sponsor their spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, who are either living with the sponsor in Canada or outside Canada. A sponsor can include their dependent children in their sponsorship application and their spouse’s application for permanent residence.

A spouse; common-law partner; or a conjugal partner can be sponsored if they are at least 18 years old and the relationship is genuine. Under any circumstances if it is proved that they entered the relationship just to get a permanent residency in Canada, the application may be rejected.

If you’re sponsoring your spouse or partner under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in-Canada Class, they must live with you in Canada. They also may be eligible for an open work permit.

Sponsoring a dependent child

Children qualify as dependants if they meet both of these requirements:

Children 22 years old or older qualify as dependants if they meet both of these requirements:

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